Creating a Testimonials Page [Codeless]

Amber Sabio Updated by Amber Sabio

This article will show you how to create a page using a testimonial index to display on your website.

Creating a New Page

When you're logged into the back end of your site, you can create a page from the bottom left by clicking “create new” and then select “page”.

Testimonials Index

Once Testimonial Index has been selected. give your page a title. A URL for the page ( also known as the “slug” ) will be generated based on the title - this is where you can view the page on the front end of your site.

Make sure the option to add the page to your navigation is selected, then just click Create. You'll see your Testimonials page added to the list of pages on your site:

  1. Add page to header menu: This will add the testimonials page to your websites main menu.
  2. Number of posts per page; Here you can adjust the number of testimonials that show per page.
  3. Testimonial Type: This allows you to showcase both testimonials you have manually added, as well as, automatically integrate testimonials from your RealSatisfied account.

Note: To learn more about connecting your RealSatisfied account with your Placester account please click here.

Adding Testimonials

Now you'll need to add each testimonial individually using the Testimonial option within the Create New menu or you can directly go to the Testimonials section of the customizer and click the create new testimonial button.

You will continue these steps to add additional testimonials. To edit existing testimonials you will go to the “Testimonials” section in the customizer slide out.

Once in the Testimonials section you can Edit a testimonial by clicking on the pencil icon and delete a testimonial by clicking on the trash can.

Testimonial Content

In addition to the testimonial itself, you should include a title, the name of your referrer, their relation to you (i.e. Client), star ratings, and then choose whether or not to feature the testimonial on your home page.

You can also add an excerpt and image for each testimonial that will appear when a visitor is previewing the testimonial before clicking through:

Viewing Your Testimonials Page

Click View Live Site from within the Site Details to open your home page. Select your new Testimonials page from the menu to view it live. Here's an example from one of our demo sites.

Click here to learn more about customizing your menu/navigation bar.

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