What Can Site Visitors Do With an Account? [Codeless]

Nelly Gensoli Updated by Nelly Gensoli

This article will show you what site visitors can do with an account on your Placester site.

Sign In/Sign Up

In the header of every Placester theme are links for leads to create an account on your site, or log in to their existing account.

Saving Searches

While logged in to your site, a lead will have the option of saving searches they've performed. If they are looking for a specific criteria of homes, they can save the search so that when they log in again, they'll see any new homes that match their search criteria.

When Save Search is clicked, a small pop-up will appear, giving the lead the option to name their search, and select the frequency of email updates for that search.

Favorite Listings

On any search page, a registered user will have the ability to save their favorite listings, by clicking the star icon on the listing tile.

A lead can also add a listing to their favorite on the property details page. When leads view a specific listing, they’ll see a star button on the lower right corner. Clicking this button will add the listing to their favorites list.

Client Profile

At any time, a logged in lead can view their saved searches and favorited listings by clicking My Profile in the header of the page. This will take them to their client profile page.

Here, they can view their Saved searches and Favorited listings. They can click the link to be taken back to that search, or click Show to view the criteria of their search. They can also edit the name and frequency of emails, or delete the search.

Need More Help?

For questions, concerns, or feedback, please chat with our team: https://app.placester.com/chat

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