What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Placester, Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp, and more. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration. It's easy enough that anyone can build their own app workflows with just a few clicks.

For example, maybe you get a lot of new leads from your Placester website that you want in your CRM. Every time you get a new lead from your website, you have to take that lead information and manually import it into your CRM. Or you can create a "Zap" and have Zapier automate this for you and set it up so new Placester leads are automatically sent to your CRM, saving you time and effort.

View our Zapier + Placester integration and learn how you can start creating Zaps immediately!

Frequently asked questions

Do all Placester pricing plans offer the Zapier integration?
No, you must be on an Advanced or Office Builder plan to have access to the Zapier integration. The Starter plan does not have access to Zapier.
Will I need a Zapier account to use the Placester + Zapier integration?
Yes, to use the Placester + Zapier integration you will be required to have an active Zapier account.
Will I have to pay Zapier for a plan on Zapier.com?
Zapier does offer a free pricing plan for you to take advantage of when getting started. The amount you decide to utilize Zapier in your business may result in needing to upgrade to one of their paid plans.
What if I have trouble creating my Zaps in Zapier?
We are continuously working to provide content in our Knowledgebase to assist you with setting up Zaps. Please check all of our articles related to Zapier to help guide you through the process.

In the event that you are unable to create a Zap, we recommend checking the On-Demand portal for any tasks that we offer related to Zapier.

How did we do?

Linking Social Networks [Codeless]

How to Integrate Your Placester Account With Zapier


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