Customizer: Adding Videos to Pages and Posts [Codeless]

Amber Sabio Updated by Amber Sabio

This article will walk you through How to add YouTube and Vimeo videos to your Homepage, pages and posts with Placester.

Modules are the website components that will help you to build your website. Our modules can look different on different Designs, because we have plenty of options to manage their appearance.

Placester has the feature to enable a module that allows users to embed videos from outside sources. If the video module is not available on your current plan, please check out the pricing page.

Adding Video to your Homepage

Start by going to your HOMEPAGE tab. Click the add button and select Video then chose your prefered design from the available module styles.

From the customizer, fill in the information fields such as Title, Description and Button label. It is important that you paste the embed code in order for the video to appear. Scroll down to the button of the customizer and enter the code. If successful, a preview will appear on the right.

Pro Tip: Embed Videos from Youtube

Youtube is a great source to get videos and getting the embed code is easy.

Simply visit your video then click the share button and select the embed option.

The embed code will appear on the right. Click the copy button then go back to your Placester customizer and paste code in the video embed field.

Adding Video to your Pages and Posts

Placester Dashboard

First, you should have the URL of your video from Youtube/ Vimeo. To proceed, simply go to the edit site button and create a new page (default page)/ blog post or simply edit an existing one.

Adding the video

Within the page/post editor, simply click the content editor on the bottom left of the preview page. From here, click on the video button.

You should then see an “Insert Video URL” window come up on your screen. This is where you will paste your Youtube or Vimeo video & thereafter, once done adding some description/ arrangement on the content editor hit the "hide editor" & you'll see a preview of the video/ changes you have made in your content editor page and simply hit Publish, if you wish to save the changes.

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Customizer: Adding Photos to Pages and Blog Posts [Codeless]


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