Managing Duplicate Leads [Codeless]

Cherry Arn Tomayao Updated by Cherry Arn Tomayao

This article will show you how to manage any duplicate Leads that may exist in the Leads section of your Placester account.

Accessing Leads

First, locate and click the CRM tab from your page to view all of your current leads.


Managing Duplicate Leads

Click the three dots next to the import button and then Manage Duplicates. When you click this, it will scan your leads for duplicates.

Duplicate leads are defined as lead entries which have the same email address.

The screen will show you the last time that your Leads were scanned for duplicates, how many duplicates without conflicts were found (if all information within the duplicates is exactly the same, these duplicates are automatically merged), and how many duplicate leads have conflicting information (different phone numbers, names, etc). Click the Continue button to begin managing your duplicate leads.

Merging Leads

When managing your duplicate leads, you'll need to select one lead entry to be the primary lead to which all other information will be merged.

Click Merge to combine the information from the duplicate leads in to one lead, or you can skip that individual lead and come back to it at a later time. When you merge a lead, the system will automatically take you to the next duplicate to be managed. Once you've merged or skipped all duplicate leads found at that time, you'll see a message confirming how many leads were merged and how many skipped. Click Continue to complete the process.

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Importing Leads [Codeless]

Exporting Leads [Codeless]


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