Creating a New Email Template [Codeless]

Cherry Arn Tomayao Updated by Cherry Arn Tomayao

This article will show you how to create a new email template to be used in a Work Plan.

Email Templates

A Plan is a series of automated emails that you can send to your leads to nurture them into becoming clients. Email templates are the different steps that make up a Plan. Placester has provided pre-configured Plans and email templates, but you can also create your own. 

Email Tab

First, go to your Email tab, then click on All Templates.

Click the + button to create a new template.

Creating Your Template

From here, you'll be brought to a page where you can create your email template: 

  1. Template Name: What you'll see internally as the template name for adding the template to a Plan.
  2. Email Subject: What the lead will see as the subject when receiving the email. 
  3. Logo: Your company or personal logo to add your branding to the email. 
  4. Email Body: The text to be included within the email. 

Pro Tip: Using Dynamic Fields

Within the template creator/editor, there's an option to use dynamic fields. These are quick links that allow you to customize your emails to leads. 

For instance, you can use Lead First Name to create a greeting that will automatically be filled in based on the lead that the Plan is assigned to. 

The lead's first name will be filled in automatically in this spot.

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Editing a Plan [Codeless]

Adding single or multiple leads to a plan [Codeless]


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