Integration: Custom API

Katherine Ramirez Updated by Katherine Ramirez

This article will guide you on how you can Integrate custom API into your Placester website.

If you want to integrate custom API to your Placester website, this will allow you to replace Placester-driven emails with your own, write your own saved search emails, accept form submissions from all of your Placester websites, or store such submissions and their data in an external database.

In Placester, to integrate custom API, you will need to paste Zapier webhooks to receive all form submissions on your Placester websites. Webhooks are one way that apps can send automated messages or information to other apps.

Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens.

Note that some Zaps require a premium account to be connected. Webhooks by Zapier is a built-in tool only available to Zapier users on a paid plan or during their trial period.

For your app that can send data to a webhooks URL to be connected to other apps, first, you'll need to log in to your Zapier account and make a new Zap. Choose Webhooks by Zapier as the trigger app. Select Catch Hook, which can receive a GET, POST, or PUT request from another app. Zapier will give you a unique webhooks URL—copy that, then add it to your app's webhooks URL field in its settings.

Next, is to Set up the webhook trigger. After setting it up you’ll be given the URL for your webhook.

You will need to go back to your Placester dashboard and click the three dots next to the media library and click Integrations.

To test a webhook trigger, you must first add something new to your website. For example, submit a form on a Placester website or add a new subscriber. After you send data from your Placester website to the Webhook URL, return to your Zap's Test trigger section. Click Test trigger and it would look like this in  Zapier. The three most recent live webhooks will be displayed as samples.

Zapier will separate each field from your webhook data, which lets you use them (e.g. email addresses, names, project info) in later steps in your Zap.

Placester will be sending payloads directly to such Zaps. And from here, you're free to do whatever you wish.

Placester > Other apps

If you want to send data from Placester to another app via webhooks, follow the steps below.

Once you're logged in to your Zapier account, first, select the trigger app you want to send data from, and set it up in Zapier as normal.

First, choose app & event. The trigger app is Placester and for the event choose All website leads in Placester.

Next is to choose an account. So here, once you click inside the box, it will automatically give you your Placester account, and click the continue button.

Then, you will need to set up a trigger. All you need to do is add your Placester website URL then click continue.

Finally, you will need to test the trigger. So you will have to add a test lead to sign up on your website to confirm that the right account is connected and your trigger is set up correctly. Then click test trigger.

If the correct account has been connected, this will come up on your screen, and again click the continue button.

After setting the trigger app, the next step is to set up Action. This is where you select Webhooks as the action app and choose how you want to send the data (POST is typically the best option for most webhook integrations).

Setting up the account is the next step. Paste the webhook URL from the app you want to receive the data into the URL field in Zapier's webhook settings. You can choose how to serialize the data. Zapier will then automatically send all of the data from your trigger app to the webhook—or you can set the specific data variables from the Data fields below.

Lastly, you can test your Action and publish your Zap. You can specify how Zapier serializes your data and choose the specific data it sends to your webhook

You're now ready to use your Zap. Now whenever something new happens in your trigger app, Zapier will copy the data and send it to your other app's webhooks URL.

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