How Placester Handles 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 Baths [Classic]

Katherine Ramirez Updated by Katherine Ramirez

Most buyers and sellers are aware that there's a distinction between half and full bathrooms: a half bath does not have a bath or shower, while a full does. As a real estate agent, you know that many real estate markets break it down even further and distinguish between 1/4 baths, 1/2 baths, 3/4 baths and full baths:

1/4 bath: just a sink, just a toilet or just a shower

1/2 bath: sink and toilet

3/4 bath: sink, toilet, stand up shower

Full bath: sink, toilet, tub with shower

This article will explain how Placester sites currently interpret and display this data.

Search Results

When searching for listings on a Placester site, the baths you're seeing in the search criteria are just representing full baths

The same goes for search results. The bathroom counts within the preview of each listing are only capturing the number of full baths for that listing.

Property Detail Pages

When you click on an individual property within the search results, you're brought to a property detail page. These pages will have more detail, generally displaying the count of full and half baths above the fold, and then includes more granular detail in the amenity section if that information is available.

Why Doesn't My Site Show 1/4 or 3/4 Baths?

If you're expecting to display 1/4 or 3/4 baths on your site but are not seeing them, you're most likely integrated with an MLS that we don't yet support for 1/4 and 3/4 bath data.

Since each MLS organizes their listing fields differently, the way in which this information is stored, received and displayed can vary. Because of these inconsistencies between the hundreds of MLSs Placester works with, it's not possible to show detailed bath counts for every MLS at this time. Our team is aware of this challenge and constantly improving our solution for displaying all data as best as possible given the disparities. 

Need More Help? 

If you have more questions about bathroom data that weren't answered in this article, please chat with our team:

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