Placester Live Chat Feature

Katherine Ramirez Updated by Katherine Ramirez

This feature will allow you to have real-time communication with your Leads! Seamlessly integrated into your website.

NOTE: This is an add-on product and you can avail it for $25 monthly. You may also want to check the Placester Pricing page for other add-on products.

To enable the chat feature, first log in to your Placester dashboard and click Edit site,

In the customizer, you will find the Live chat feature under the marketing tools and click on it.

Toggle on the button to enable Live Chat on the website.

There is also an option for you to enable automated response.

The Availability tab will allow you to set working hours when you will respond to customers.

The Display Rule tab will allow you to choose website pages to display the Live Chat feature.

The Design tab is where you can change the chat colors, and widget position and set the sizes of the margin.

Once you're done, click the save button.

Placester Mobile App

This new mobile app chat feature will make it easier for you to communicate with leads and with your creative assistant and send new requests for your website anytime.

Download the Mobile app

​Apps Store​

​Google Play​

Log in to the Mobile App

Open the app and you will be redirected to the login page. Add your account email address and password and click on the sign-in button.

If it’s your first time logging in to the app, you will be redirected to the onboarding pages and just click on the next buttons.

You will then be redirected to this page where you can see the chat list, notifications, and your Account.

Chat List

You will see your chat conversations and your active and closed requests.


Whenever certain actions are taken, notifications will show up here. Also, a tab for unread and all notifications are available for you to manage and check specific notifications and you can set as well a read message to unread message by clicking the circular icon on the specific notification.


The Account tab is where you can find the option to sign out, update your profile information, update account settings, and change permission settings.


This section is where you can update your personal information and add a profile picture.

Account Settings

This is where you can update your account info such as your login email, enable social logins, add your NRDS ID, and change your password. You can also find onboarding tutorials in this section.


To update your application permission settings, you'll have to change it in this section.

Chat/Send a New Request using the Mobile App

After logging in to the app, you'll be redirected to the chat page to begin a chat conversation for your inquiries and request, click on the General tab.

This will bring you to a screen where you can type your concerns and submit custom requests. You can always chat in to check the status of your custom requests.

Adding Files for my Custom Requests

You can attach multiple and mixed types of files to your DIFM custom request. Simply click the plus (+) button on the chatter.

Live Chat in Mobile App

With your mobile app, you may also now check, read, and reply to your lead's inquiries through your mobile app.

NOTE: This is an add-on product and you can avail it for $25 monthly. You may also want to check the Placester Pricing page for other add-on products.

You can always switch to the leads tab to see your lead's messages and reply to them.

For questions, concerns, or feedback, please chat with our team:

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