Market Data on Area Pages

Katherine Ramirez Updated by Katherine Ramirez

This article will show you How to Enable the Market Data on your Area Pages

Real estate market data are quite useful, whether you're trying to sell a house or find your dream home. The information it provides can help you achieve your real estate goals.


To enable your market data login to your Placester dashboard, then click edit site to be taken to the customizer slideout. In the customizer click Area.

Area Pages

This will bring you to where you can see all of your area pages in the site. Click the pencil icon to edit the area page.

In the area page's editing page, click the listings tab.

On the page section, tiggle on the button to enable Market Data and then click the update button to save the changes.

This is how the market data will look on the lve site:

Note: the color scheme of your market Data will depend on the primary color you've used on your website. you can always customize it by changing the color palette use on your website.

How did we do?

Custom pages for recent sales/open houses (Codeless)

Sold Listings


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