Creating and Managing Your Email Blasts [Classic]

Katherine Ramirez Updated by Katherine Ramirez

This article will walk you through how to create a one-time Email Blast to be sent to your leads. Please keep in mind that this feature is only available with our Pro Package. If you are not using one of these packages and are interested in learning more please visit our packages and pricing page. 

What is an Email Blast?

With the Placester CRM, you have the ability to send out a one time email to your leads. We call this feature an Email Blast. There are many different ways that you can use this feature, such as sending out new listing alerts or monthly newsletters, which will ultimately help with your lead nurture process. There are two ways to access the email blast feature outlined below:

Accessing Email Blasts through the Dashboard

When logged into the backend of your account, you can navigate to your Email Blasts by clicking on the email tab at the top of the page.

Next, click on the Email Blasts link, located in between Drip Campaigns and All Templates.



To get started simply click the "New Email Blast" button.


For the first step, you will be able to choose the recipients of your email blast. To send your email to all of your leads, click on the “All Leads” button on the top of the screen.



If you would like to send your email to a specific group or multiple groups, you can simply click on what group(s) you would like to send the Email Blast to. Please note that by adding more than one filter you are stating that the lead must be in both groups. For example, if you select type:seller and score:green, it will give you all sellers who are green, not a combination of all seller leads and all green leads

Once you have finished selecting your Recipients, click on the “Next” button located towards the bottom right hand side of the screen.


Accessing Email Blasts through your CRM

To access your leads list, click on CRM on the top part of the dashboard.

You can initiate an Email Blast from here using the Bulk Action Toolbar.  To access this toolbar click on any checkboxes on the lefthand side of the lead's name and email.  Check off the agents you would like to send the blast to.


This will open the Bulk Actions Toolbar at the bottom of the page


Clicking on the Email Blast button will open a new Email Blast with the Lead's you have checked off already listed as recipients.


Creating an Email Blast

 For the next step, you will be able to set up the subject and body of your Email Blast. In this section, you can compose a message from scratch, use a template, or edit a template right from the same screen.


In the "Templates" column, you will notice that Placester has provided some pre-made email templates, which you can use and edit to suit your own needs. If you choose to use a template, you may notice there are pre-filled dynamic fields marked by opening and closing % signs. Keep in mind, that the dynamic fields pulls in contact information directly from your My Profile section. If you would rather use different contact information, you can always remove these dynamic fields and type in your preferred contact information directly in the email body.

After composing your message, you can customize it by using the text editors tools on the bar between the subject and body. With the text editor, you are able to add in hyperlinks and add in a link to attach a PDF. If you would like to add images to your Email Blast, you can do so by copying and pasting the image directly into the email body.


After you have finished creating your message, click on the “Next’ button located towards the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

Before sending out your Email Blast, you will be brought to a screen where you can review what you have set up. If you would like to adjust any of these sections, you can click on the “Edit” button. When you’re ready to send out your Email Blast, click on the green “Send” link on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.



If you would like to stop or cancel your Email Blast at any point during the creation process, you can simply click the "Close" link in the top right corner, and then "Discard".



Managing your Email Blasts

You can view all of your past Email Blasts in the Email Blasts tab.

Here, you can view valuable data in regards to the success of your Email Blasts. One this page, you can view all of your Email Blasts and how many recipients the email was sent to. The Delivered column shows how many emails had been successfully sent, while the Opened % column indicates the percentage of leads that had opened the email. If you included any links in the message of the Email Blast, the Click % column displays the amount of leads that clicked on the link.




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Editing a Plan Email Template [Classic]

Editing a Plan [Classic]


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