Enabling Social Login - Google

Katherine Ramirez Updated by Katherine Ramirez

This article will show you how to configure your Google app and enable Google Login and Register on your Placester site.

You may now enable login and registration for your customers by only using their Google account. This will simplify their registration and login process.


To enable Google Login and Register on your Placester site, you first need to configure your Google App.

  1. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/
  2. Log in with your Google credentials.
  1. If you don’t have any projects, you’ll need to create one first. You can do this by clicking on the blue “Create Project” text on the right side.
  1. Name your project and click on the “Create” button.
  1. Once you have a project, you’ll end up in the project dashboard.
  2. Now click the "APIs & Services" then click the “OAuth consent screen” button on the left.
  3. Choose a User Type according to your needs and press “Create”. If you want to enable the social login with Google for any users with a Google account, pick the “External” option.            


  1. Enter the name of your App in the “App name” field - it will be visible to your users when they will try to sign up on your Placester site! We recommend using the title of your site. 
  2. For the “User support email” field, select an email address that users can use to contact you with questions about their consent - we suggest using the same one as the one visible on your site.
  3. Under the “Authorized domains” section, press the “Add Domain” button and enter your domain name, e.g.: example.com.
  4. In the “Developer contact information” section, enter an email address that Google can use to notify you about any changes.

Press “Save and Continue”, and then press it again on the “Scopes” and “Test users” pages!

  1. On the left side, click on the “Credentials” menu, then click the “+ Create Credentials” button in the top bar.
  2. Choose the “OAuth client ID” option.
  3. Select the “Web application” under the Application type. Enter a “Name” for your OAuth client ID.
  4. Under the “Authorized Javascript Origins” sections, click “Add URI” and add https://[yourwebsiteURL]
  5. Under the “Authorized redirect URIs” section, click “Add URI” and add https://[yourwebsiteURL]/social-login?google. Click on the “Create” button
  6. A modal should pop up with your credentials. If that doesn’t happen, go to the Credentials in the left menu and select your app by clicking on its name, and you’ll be able to copy-paste the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” from there.
  7. Now update fields “Client ID and “Client Secret” in the Customizer.
  8. At this time, your App will be in testing mode, so only a limited number of people can use it. To allow this App for any user with a Google Account, click on the “OAuth consent screen” option on the left side, then click the “PUBLISH APP” button under the “Publishing status” section, and finally press the “Confirm” button.

Logging in to Placester https://app.placester.com/login?

Continue with Google

If you choose to continue with Google, it will bring you to the Google sign-in page where you will be asked to provide your Google email address and password.

It will bring you to a page where it will ask you to connect your Google account with your Placester account.

Lastly, it will ask you to put in your Google password before it will log you into your Placester account.

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