Custom Domain

​How and Where to Purchase a Custom Domains [Codeless]

This article will tell you more about purchasing a custom domain name (URL) to use with your Placester website. Your Temporary Placester Subdomain. When you create a website with Placester, you will…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

​Common Domain Mapping Issues & How to Resolve Them [Codeless]

This article will outline a few of the common domain mapping issues you might encounter when pointing your custom domain to your Placester site. How to Map your Custom Domain​. If you have a custom d…

Cherry Arn Tomayao
Updated 1 year ago by Cherry Arn Tomayao

Pointing your Custom Domain to your Placester Site [Codeless]

This article will show you how to Point your custom domain name to your Placester website. In order to take care of mapping your Domain to your Placester site, you will need to change both your A-Rec…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Forwarding Additional Domains to Your Website [Codeless]

Have only one domain? Placester always recommends mapping your primary domain to the site. Find out more about why here. If you have more than one domain that you would like to use then this article…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping Your Domain vs. Forwarding With Masking [Codeless]

This article will explain why mapping your domain to your Placester is better than forwarding with masking.. What's the difference between mapping and forwarding? Mapping a domain to your Placester s…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Editing your Placester Subdomain [Codeless]

This article will walk you through the process of Editing your Placester Subdomain.. With your Placester site, you'll be provided a subdomain (example: chicagorealty.myreales…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Nameservers vs DNS Settings

This article will explain the difference between making changes to your DNS settings versus Nameservers on your domain registrar.. Nameservers. Nameservers are servers on the internet where your doma…

Cherry Arn Tomayao
Updated 1 year ago by Cherry Arn Tomayao

Mapping your HostGator domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show the guides when mapping your HostGator domain to your Placester website. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased…

Gia Latif
Updated 1 year ago by Gia Latif

Mapping your domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show you how to point your custom domain to your Placester site if you purchased your domain at Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain wit…

Cherry Arn Tomayao
Updated 1 year ago by Cherry Arn Tomayao

Mapping your DreamHost domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show the guides when mapping your DreamHost domain to your Placester website. Only one DreamHost domain can be entered for your website. Mapping is the process of replacing your exi…

Chrysa Hazelene
Updated 1 year ago by Chrysa Hazelene

Mapping your iPage Domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will walk you through the process of Mapping your iPage Domain to your Placester Site. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purch…

Cherry Arn Tomayao
Updated 1 year ago by Cherry Arn Tomayao

Mapping your domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show the guides when mapping your domain to your Placester website. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchase…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 5 months ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping your Hover domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will walk you through how to map your Hover domain to Placester.. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased from a third par…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping your Google Domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show the guides when mapping your Google domain to your Placester website. Only one Google domain can be entered for your website. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 month ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping your Network Solutions domain to Placester

This article will show you how to map your Network Solutions domain to your Placester website.. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping your Wix Domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will walk you through the process of Mapping your Wix Domain to your Placester Site. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchas…

Cherry Arn Tomayao
Updated 1 year ago by Cherry Arn Tomayao

Mapping a Subdomain to your Placester Site [Codeless]

This article will show you how to map your subdomain to your Placester site. . It is important to note that this is an advanced option. Accomplishing this on your own does require a strong understand…

Chrysa Hazelene
Updated 1 year ago by Chrysa Hazelene

Mapping your Domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show you how to map your domain to your Placester website. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased from a th…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping your .REALTOR Domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show you guides on mapping your.Reltor domain to your Placester website.. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased fro…

Chrysa Hazelene
Updated 1 year ago by Chrysa Hazelene

Mapping your Namecheap domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will walk you through how to map your Namecheap domain anime to Placester.. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased from a…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

Mapping your eNom domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show the guides when mapping your eNom domain to your Placester website.. Only one eNom domain can be entered for your website. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Pla…

Chrysa Hazelene
Updated 1 year ago by Chrysa Hazelene

Mapping your Bluehost Domain to Placester [Codeless]

This article will show the guides when mapping your Bluehost domain to your Placester website. Mapping is the process of replacing your existing Placester domain with a custom one you have purchased…

Katherine Ramirez
Updated 1 year ago by Katherine Ramirez

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